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Families in the past

I considered that the family in the past was a very close family and the families were too large, they knew how to have fun without technology when they got together, because the families enjoyed sharing aspects of their daily life ,as a simple game with their children or festive date reunions and this made their family bond stronger, just as families spent so much time together and had a very strong bond between them all, this made families very conservative of thoughts and protective of each other and more so of women because they were like a treasure in families, because they were very religious, just as they were very conservative, at the families cared about criticism and tried to make things appear, and so there were not as many divorces as now, as this could directly affect their social life, It was believed that the man owned the lives of his family because he alone worked and supported his home, and could do whatever he wanted, while the woman had to stay at home to feed and care for the children, and that if one of their children were not brave or cried they were not men in conclusion there was lived a patriarchy in families.

Lo bueno (y lo malo) de estar en familia – Yorokobu

Families in the present

On the contrary, the families in the present are not very large as we can see families with two or even three children, because today the parents are very busy, since in the home not only the husband but also the wife works, and that is why today the conservative thoughts and criticisms of other families have remained in the past, but not in their entirety, because there are still families or rather women living in a patriarchy, because they were raised like this, and they are afraid of criticism or of expressing themselves.

In addition more divorced families are seen, as there is more freedom of expression and feelings on the part of each member of the household, so that they are more hugs, besucones, are able to express their feelings that in a way that many times come to overprotect their children and pamper them. , today, families are not so close, because they don’t get together much anymore because they are busy and that family bond is not created as much as we had in the past, because technology has taken away that moment of sharing with the family. 

Familes in the future

I think that families in the future are going to be more dependent on technology, because they will live in a technological world, because at the same time that we are going with technology and how important we are making it in our lives technology will be indispensable, in the same way that in the present time parents work and do not have so much time to spend with the family I think that families will be more dedicated to work than to children and that if they decide to have children, I also think that he will change his way of expressing his emotions or they will not be so expressive in that area, I also think they will be more open-minded and not so protective towards their children and that will make the children more independent so that their intellectual development or maturity will be earlier

o futuro das familias - Meme subido por uchihalao :) Memedroid
In conclusion I can say that the family will continue to exercise some of its old functions, but in a very innovative way; However, it will remain a home basically responsible for the first socialization, provider of new members to society, transmitter of ethical and cultural values, and above all future citizen educator in a context of love, understanding and affection

My suggestion 

My suggestion for having a good relationship between family members is that they determine a time to talk about their day and in the same way to do an activity among all, since this will help to have a family bond between all.

On the contrary, parents can go to therapy with each other to understand and understand their children because many couples find it hard to make this decision because they think it’s wrong and, on the contrary, because I think there’s nothing wrong with going to couples therapy, because they are looking for help or solutions to save their home. 

Also therapy will help parents as a certain way situations that will make children have more confidence to talk to them about any topic and will not have the fear to express what they feel and think and their thinking
